
Discover our packages

Assistance Protection

Travel Assistance Protection (TAP) offers pest management for travelers on personal or business trips, ensuring their health and safety against pests in rental accommodations. This protection also offers 24/7 remote consulting by a qualified and certified pest management expert, available from anywhere in the world.

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Ideal protection for people traveling at ONLY ONE all-inclusive, hotel, B&B or AIRBNB accommodation site for personal or professional reasons.

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Ideal protection for people traveling at SEVERAL accommodation sites in a all-inclusive, hotel, B&B, or AIRBNB accommodation for personal or professional reasons.

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Ideal protection for travelers FREQUENTLY or over A LONG PERIOD in the same year on different accommodation sites, such as in an all-inclusive, hotel, B&B or AIRBNB accommodation.

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This package allows you to obtain an EMERGENCY PROTECTION even if you haven’t purchased your travel assistance coverage before departure.

GreenBug Protection

GreenBug Protection

GreenBug Protection

GreenBug Protection


Reviews from our customers

I used GREENBUG Travel Assistance Protection during my last vacation to Cuba. The process was easy and the protection really cheap. A professional and friendly technician guided me well. This protection gave me peace of mind, I recommend it to all travelers.


/ Google Reviews

We were amazed at the time we were given. We were therefore able to be relocated to another resort, and thus... save $$$$ and problems! Thanks to Cédric for your good work. We will help you highly recommend.


/ Google Reviews


Get rid of your doubts

All you need to know about our ecological extermination services

It is a TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PROTECTION (TAP) for pest management for all travelers on personal or business trips.

Protection that ensures the health and safety of travellers against pests and parasites in rental accommodations.

Travel protection that gives you 24/7 remote access to a qualified, certified pest management expert anywhere in the world.

This is a simple, fast and efficient service that allows you to obtain the following benefits:

  • Innovative and professional service that is exclusive on the market.
  • Ensures a comprehensive customer support (from departure until return)
  • Reduces stress and optimizes health and safety for travelers.
  • Facilitates negotiation process, relocation and/or compensation
  • Attenuates the risk of additional costs (during and upon return)
  • Eliminates the spread of pests and parasites until return (for individuals and locations)
  • Ensures full flexibility (no territorial limits)

This is not an insurance policy, but rather a travel-assistance protection which gives you a quick and easy access to a qualified, certified technician in pest management anytime, anywhere in the world. They’ll be there to guide you and advise you on the first steps to take. What’s more, they can help you deal with the appropriate authorities.

Travel assistance coverage is aimed at all those who, for personal or professional reasons, use rental accommodations.. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the circumstances of use and the types of customers we serve:

Personal travel

  • Single person
  • Families
  • Small groups (under 10 people)

Business trips

  • Business (short-term)
  • Overseas deployment (long-term)
  • Correspondence (e.g. flight attendants)
  • Company or union

Organized group travel (10 people or more)

  • Groups via travel partners
  • Groups via social, cultural and sports associations
  • Groups via clubs (e.g. motorcycle, bike, diving, etc.)
  • Groups via amateur and professional tournaments

Seasonal travel (less than 6 months)

  • Anyone staying at one or more locations (e.g. winter)

Emergency travel

  • Travel to visit someone for medical reasons or in the event of death
  • Return from a trip following an incident (e.g. bedbugs in an AIRBNB)

Our main partners offer protection, insurance and travel services. Here’s a summary of that list.

  • Travel agents and wholesalers
  • Hosting resale site
  • Transporters
  • Credit agencies (travel insurance)
  • Travel agencies and groups

Although it’s not a global issue, this problem does exist and is present in many rental buildings. In some countries, this is making headlines in the media, and many customers are testifying to this new reality.

New trends in rental real estate, changing travel patterns, the quality of certain facilities on the market and climate change can all have an impact on the presence of pests and parasites in buildings and rental facilities.

The intention behind travel assistance protection is to enable you to stay in safe and healthy places. Make the most of your business and personal travel, hassle-free.

3 packages are available to meet all your travel protection needs. For only $49 (plus applicable taxes)You’ll get ESSENTIAL PROTECTION, giving you access to numerous inclusions worth over $499. Ask our advisors and your travel representative about the package that’s right for you.

For as little as $49 (plus applicable taxes)get essential travel protection. Get over $499 worth of inclusions depending on package selected. Here are the inclusions:

  • Travel assistance protection for pest management
  • Process and procedure
  • Video clips, tools and data sheets (pre-trip and post-trip)
  • 24/7 service, no territorial limits
  • 30-45 minute consultation with a technician (depending on package)
  • Video inspection of hosting site
  • Written report and recommendations
  • Assistance and support for the appropriate authorities
  • Transferable consultation service upon return from a trip
  • Tools available in several languages (French, English and Spanish)
  • Preferential pricing 15% to 20% discount on services upon return
  • $50 to $100 gift certificate applicable on all services

With Travel Assistance Protection (TAP), you can rest assured that you’ll have aLIMITED WARRANTY. Here are the main terms and conditions.


This online pest management service is not a substitute for an on-site technician. The guarantees in this service are limited to those included in each package. This protection does not constitute an insurance policy for compensation, or a lever to contest a lack of hygiene or uncleanliness in the rental space.
The sole purpose of travel assistance coverage is to provide quick and easy access to a certified pest management expert. What’s more, this access enables customers to obtain advice on best practices, as well as assistance in making decisions and dealing with the appropriate authorities.
Finally, the customer must never attempt any action or gesture during a visual inspection or consultation with the technician that could jeopardize his or her health or safety, or that of his or her family (or companions). When in doubt, the customer’s safety will always be paramount.

There are two ways to purchase TAP (travel assistance protection). Visit our website at oor purchase this service from one of our valued partners.

When you purchase TAP (Travel Assistance Protection), you’ll receive several communications, information, tools and capsules to support you before your departure. In addition, you will receive a document explaining how to contact us as needed and how to get access to the technician who is trained and certified – anytime, anywhere in the world!

As soon as you purchase your travel assistance protection, you can use all the tools and capsules available to prepare for your departure. A data sheet will also prove useful to help you make a brief visual inspection of your rental space once you’ve arrived at your destination. Lastly, you can contact the technician at any time if you suspect a danger to your health or safety from insects, parasites or any other pest. See our warranty Q&A for terms and conditions of service.

There are three ways to reach us during your travels (telephone or mobile applications).


A non-emergency situation is when you are travelling and you notice the presence of pests (bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents, etc.) but don’t feel that the situation needs to be addressed quickly. You’d like some advice before addressing the situation to the people in charge of your premises. For all new customers, we suggest you contact our customer service department before your departure. We’ll be happy to send you a fact sheet with some useful tips for your arrival and travels.
Contact us (telephone, text message)
Text us at (514) 915-4284 with the following information:
  • Last name, First name
  • Cell phone number or mobile application to reach you
  • Dates and times when we can reach you (availability)


An emergency situation is when you’re travelling and you detect the presence of pests (bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents, etc.)and you feel that this situation must be addressed immediately. You would like advice on how to address and document the problem, because you feel that the state of the premises involves health and safety issues. For all new customers, we suggest you contact our customer service department before your departure. We’ll be happy to send you a fact sheet with some useful tips for your arrival and travels.
Contact us (mobile applications*)

To find out more, please refer to the brochure supplied with your protection, or consult the following website

The technician will carry out a complete analysis of your situation. Then they’ll do a remote video inspection with you to assess and confirm (yes or no) whether you’re in a situation that could affect your health or safety. They will then send you their actions and recommendations. A written report will be given to you on the same day, to document and support your dealings with the appropriate authorities.

Depending on the package selected, you will have between 45 and 60 minutes with the technician. Then, they will take the time necessary to give you their recommendations and report on the same day. We want our service to be simple, fast and efficient, so that you can enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

Firstly, this report allows you to obtain official expertise from a recognized pest management company. The operation report is a tool for documenting and imaging inspections by a qualified technician. In addition, this document supports you in your dealings with the appropriate authorities. You can then negotiate, demand relocation or compensation. Finally, this tool allows you to avoids health problems and risks of propagation upon your return.

All our technicians are qualified and certified. They are trained in pest management and apply the integrated pest management program. They have the experience and skills to guide and support you as needed. They’re available 24/7, no matter where you are in the world.

Our travel assistance protection includes support upon your return. You’ll receive a technical data sheet and a video on the main actions to be carried out. In addition, your technician consultation service is transferable on your return if you didn’t use it during your trip. Lastly, you can take advantage of a 15% to 20% discount on all our services, depending on the package. If you have not purchased protection before your departure, we will be happy to advise you on the appropriate measures for each situation.

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Emergency protection

